Water main services can address your rising water bill


Portland water main services are not the sort of thing you have to worry about when you rent an apartment. If you are a Portland home owner, on the other hand, you may want to learn about Portland water main services.

Here are some bits of water main info that can help you save some money on your monthly utility bills.

What are Portland water main services?

The name “water main” comes from a pretty obvious place. It is the primary pipe used to distribute water from a central system to a network of homes in an area.

In Portland, water mains are treated with a high level of care. This is a city that places a high degree of emphasis on the quality of its water, as shown in this water quality report for 2013.

When do I need to have Portland water main services done near my home?

There is a high rate of water main breaks across the nation. In fact, there is a website dedicated to asking local governments to improve water main quality to address the high costs of water main repair.

If you spot a broken or leaking main that affects several properties, it is best to contact the Portland Water Bureau. However, if you have an issue with a leaking main or sewer line that is only affecting your property, you can contact a Portland water main services expert of your choosing.

Are Portland water main services expensive?

This comes down to each individual case. A leak due to corrosion in a heavily populated neighborhood can be very expensive. However, since the Portland Water Bureau will more than likely be involved, reporting the damage and requesting immediate repair should cost you nothing.

Some water main services Portland offers are for new construction. Again, your costs as an individual home owner should be limited when a water main is being laid into the ground for the first time. If you are a general contractor seeking a reliable Portland plumbing contractor,Plumb Tech can be of service.

Is experience important when it comes to Portland water main services?

Absolutely. Our team of Portland plumbing experts has helped repair water mains, sewer lines and more in the Portland area for almost 20 years. We can help get the water flowing again as soon as possible following damage to a local main. We can also assess the plumbing situation to make sure you do not lose water again!